I can't believe Donavyn is a month old already! On one hand it seems like she was just born yesterday and on the other it's like she has always been here. Please, someone, anyone tell me she'll stop growing. That she will always stay tiny. I love to just cuddle with her. It's so amazing to see the changes she is going through every day. She is really starting to respond to loud noises (read: when the dogs bark after being quiet for a long time) and she is following me with her eyes more too. She can hold her head up and is such a strong little girl. Here she is with her daddy on the 19th...the day she was supposed to be born. This was tonight. Zach had to give his princess a one month birthday kiss. Doesn't it look like she's saying, "Dad, please! Ugh..." Nah, just kidding, honey. She loves her daddy. Here are two of our girls. They were napping with Zach on the couch. Aren't they cute? Aww...sleepy baby. Thank you Grandma and Pawpaw Aunt Dee (oo...