Just a quick note
I just wanted to post a quick update. I'm sure I'll post a big one either tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm sure most of you know by now that we have our referral for our first born son, Gabriel. He was born on March 23 at 4:25 p.m. near Guatemala City. We received a referral last week and fell in love. Here are some pics...
Next, we find out the sex of BellyBaby tomorrow at 1 p.m. I can't believe I am almost 20 weeks already! It seems like just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant! What an exciting year we are having! Here is a picture of me from last weekend. This was at Jewel Beach that Zach spoke about in the previous post.
That night we went and had a campfire on the beach with some friends. We are so thankful that God has led us to some new friends that are Christians and focused on family. It was funny b/c none of them are CG, so there wasn't really any shop talk, which was nice. All the guys that were there all play WoW (World of Warcraft - Zach's online game he has been playing for a while) so they all have that in common and it was funny b/c Zach would quote something from a Robin Williams stand-up routine from the 80's and the rest of the guys would finish the quote. I just looked at him and said, "Wow...you are definitely with your own kind".
We also met with the youth minister and his wife for dinner on Thursday and discussed our working with the youth group starting this summer. The girls are going to have a Bible study on Tuesday's studying Esther which I am going to be involved in and then on Thursday's they will be doing a "Destination Unknown" where they will only be told where and when to show up at a certain place. We came up with some good ideas for that too, so it will be a busy summer.
Not to mention us going to Guatemala in July to visit Gabriel. Unfortunately we won't be able to bring him home with us then, but it will be nice to meet him and be with him for a few days. We should be able to meet the foster mother as well, which I am looking forward to. So if any of you that speak and write fluent Spanish want to do us a favor and translate some letters to her, we would appreciate it. We don't have them done yet, but we will definitely have some.
We had Crab Fest this weekend, but we'll talk about that in our next blog. It's time for me to go to bed.
Ok, so this was a little longer than I expected, but still only took a few minutes. Pray that the BellyBaby has open legs tomorrow! We want to find out if Gabriel is going to have a little brother or sister!!!